Do you need to apostille certified documents issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)?
The most common document we receive certified by USCIS is the Certificate of Naturalization.
If your Certificate of Naturalization is older than 20 years, is missing a signature or has a signature that cannot be authenticated, or if you would like to apostille a certified true copy instead of the original, we recommend that you contact the local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office and request to meet with the Field Office Director or the Immigration Service Analyst to certify the copy.
If you have the original document to be certified, you must make an appointment with your local USCIS office. When you go to your appointment, be sure to bring your original naturalization certificate and a black and white or color copy. Also bring another form of photo identification, such as a drivers license or passport. A USCIS officer will review the documents and may certify the copy, if the officer can confirm your identity and status as a naturalized citizen.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, will provide Certified True Copies (Form G-24) and return these along with the supplied documentation to the requester.
Once you receive your certified true copy (Form G-24), go ahead and mail in the certified copy to our Washington, D.C. office and with our Washington DC apostille order forms.
Please note: This document cannot be notarized or processed through any Secretary of State office. It can only be processed through the U.S. Department of State – Office of Authentication in Washington, D.C. Our office in Washington, D.C. can apostille your USCIS certified documents in four business days plus FedEx overnight return shipping.
Here is an example of a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Form G-24 Certification of Documents from the Department of Homeland Security.
Obtaining an apostille can be complicated. Don’t leave this process to untrained employees or non-professionals who do not fully understand the Apostille process and the unique requirements of certain countries. Your paperwork could be rejected costing you time and money. Don’t let this happen to you!
Our staff is available Monday-Saturday from 8am to 7pm to answer your questions and provide you easy to follow-step-by-step instructions. Please call us at 1-800-903-2470 or email:
Click the PDF download image to get started. Our apostille service is fast, convenient, and saves you time and money.